

Provide excellent products based on the satisfaction of the enterprise

Core Values

Expert in Chinese
Rotary Friction Welding

Application Field

We provide comprehensive industry solutions

Suzhou West Rock Machine Technology Co., Ltd.

West Rock Machine, a high-tech enterprise focusing on the research, development, manufacturing and sales of friction welding technology and equipment, provides a complete set of solutions for friction welding, pre welding and post welding.
As a special method in the field of welding forming technology, friction welding is widely used in automotive parts, engineering machinery, aerospace, military, petroleum, exploration, printing and many other special application fields.


Real time sharing and understanding of friction welding industry trends

Automatic friction welding machine for t...

The core component of automobile turbocharger-----Automatic friction welding machine for turbine and rotor shaft

The hollow piston rod of shock absorber ...

On March 7, 2023, the full-automatic friction welding machine applied to the hollow piston rod of the shock absorber was

Suzhou West Rock Machine Technology Co.,...

September 11, 2023, Suzhou West Rock Machine Technology Co., Ltd. participated in SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, Germany, which

The 27th Beijing Essen Welding and Cutti...

On August 13-16, 2024, Suzhou Xiyan Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the 27th Beijing Essen Welding and Cu

Our Customers

Provide excellent products based on the satisfaction of the enterprise

WeChat official account

Suzhou West Rock Machine Technology Co., Ltd.

Add:1-1 Hongyun Road, Fuqiao Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province,China
Tel:+86 (512) -53205880
Post code:215434

Add:1-1 Hongyun Road, Fuqiao Town, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province,China      Tel:0512-53205880 Post code:215434 Email:marketing@wrm-tech.com

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